Waboot Theme
Waboot is a multipurpose Wordpress theme with focus on speed, usability and modularity. It leverages on the power of WBF Components to offer a clean startup base, which can be progressively enhanced by enabling the components that implement the features you need.
Flexible, hook based layout
Waboot implements many smart hooks to make your life easier by reducing the number and complexity of templates that you need to override in child themes.
Redesigned template system
The initial blank structure can be expanded by following a "convention over configuration" principle that makes a child theme easily maintainable.
Its component-based nature allows you to enable only the features you need.
More features
Fully Responsive
WooCommerce ready
SEO friendly
Layout Manager
Theme options
Post format support
FontAwesome / Google fonts integration
Theme Components
Components are the Waboot Theme core feature. Each component provide a different functionality and can be enabled or disabled as needed. Developers can develop their components as well through an easy-to-learn API.

Waboot ships with a full-fledged components repository in which it is possible to find:
Layout Components
Which provide layout components like sticky headers, different kind of navigations, ect...
Functionality Components
Which provide features like WooCommerce compatibility, cookie policy, dashboard tweaks, ect...
Libs Components
Which include public libraries like carousels and lightboxes, so they can be managed in one place only.
Waboot Framework (WBF)
WBF is an extensive WordPress framework that makes development fast.
It's the base on which Waboot Theme is built on, but can be also used as stand-alone vendor.
Like Waboot Theme, WBF is composed by individual modules, each providing different functionalities and tools. Modules can be also built by third party developers.
100% WordPress
WBF is built for WordPress, to enrich its functions without undermine its structure or community guidelines. We put much efforts and care to ensure that our framework is compatible with the major plugins.
Convention over configuration
Many WBF components (like WBF Plugins, Theme Components or Shell Commands) rely on conventions. These conventions make easier to develop and maintain a WordPress project.